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What Does God Say About Itching?

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There’s nothing more frustrating than being itchy and not knowing why.

What does God say about itching?

You scratch and scratch, but the itch never goes away. It’s enough to drive you crazy!
So what does God say about itching? As it turns out, he has a lot to say on the matter.

Just take a look at these quotes from the big guy himself.

Did you know that God is the original author of the itch? It’s true! And he has a lot to say about it in his word. In this post, we’ll take a look at what God says about itching, and how we can apply his word to our lives. So pull up a chair, and let’s get started!

There’s nothing more frustrating than being itchy and not knowing why. You scratch and scratch, but the itch never goes away. It’s enough to drive you crazy!
So what does God say about itching? As it turns out, he has a lot to say on the matter. Just take a look at these quotes from the big guy himself.

Did you know that God is the original author of the itch? It’s true! And he has a lot to say about it in his word. In this post, we’ll take a look at what God says about itching, and how we can apply his word to our lives. So pull up a chair, and let’s get started! Why does God want us to itch?

Before we can think about what God says about itching, it’s important to understand why he wants us to scratch. 

Why did he make itching in the first place? Well, when you look at scripture, you see that God is all about balance:
Psalm 19:1-2 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.”

How is balance achieved? Through opposites! Light/dark, hot/cold, wet/dry are all opposites that are balanced in this way. And they are all represented in the scripture. 

God made light, and he divided it from darkness. He made heaven for hot, the earth for dry, etc.

And then God got around to humans:
Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

That’s when itching came into the equation. The perfect balance between wet and dry was achieved.

We’re somewhere in the middle, lukewarm! And that means we’re supposed to itch! Why does God want me to itch?

Now that we understand that God made us to itch, why does he want us to itch in particular? After all, we can certainly think of some good reasons why God shouldn’t want this. 

For example:

Does God really want us to feel intense physical discomfort and inconvenience? Doesn’t God care about the social stigma that comes with chronic itching?

When I see someone with a rash or hives, it makes me feel awkward. It’s hard to carry on a conversation with someone whose face is covered in red splotches!

But according to scripture, this is just the way things should be:
Job 2:7 “So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.”

God knew that itching would cause people discomfort and inconvenience. But it couldn’t be an afterthought – it had to be a part of his master plan! 

Here’s what the Lord himself said on the matter:

“When I create, I create with balance in mind. And if you think back throughout all of history, you’ll see that I have consistently found ways to remind people of what I want. Just look at the plagues: blood, frogs, lice and locusts… and now give me a hand with this whole ‘shadow of death’ thing we’ve got going on here…”

Itching isn’t just important – it’s a crucial part of God’s plan for us! What about just certain parts of my body?

Does God Want Me to Itch All Over?

Does God want me to itch all over?

According to scripture, itching is a blanket term. It means that your entire being is going to be covered in an irritating, infuriating rash. 

But what about different types of itching? 

Are there some types of itching that God hates more than others?

Take for example itching your rectum. This is pretty serious stuff, and can even lead to an infection if you don’t handle it right! 

You need special treatment:
Luke 17:12 “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”

But God had something else in mind for us. His word makes it clear that the rectum is meant to be itchy:

Jeremiah 17:5-6 “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.”

What about itchy balls? 

Well according to scripture, this is also completely acceptable:
Leviticus 18:24 “18. The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even. 
19. And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even. 
20 And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean. 
21. And whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. 
22. And whosoever toucheth any thing that she sat upon shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. 
23. And if it be on her bed, or on anything whereon she sitteth, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the even. 
24. And if any man lie with her at all, and her flowers be upon him, he shall be unclean seven days; and all the bed whereon he lieth shall be unclean.”

So God wants us to itch. 

But why? What does he get out of it?

Well, you know how in some situations when God makes something that seems bad or annoying, he always has a plan for it?
Like how there’s really no such thing as the devil… instead God created evil so that we could have free will. And man oh man, does Lord almighty love watching us squirm!

So really, itching is just another one of those situations where God is testing us to see what we will do.

Will you follow his plan? Or will you give in to your sinful desires and scratch that itch?

Got an Itchy Left Hand?

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Thursday 9th of May 2024

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